How to use Linkedin to be hired as an expert

As many of you have heard on my podcast interviews and read in my articles on marketing and branding for financial advisors, lawyers and CPA’s, I’ve discussed extensively how I prefer scalable methods for growing any practice and increasing your visibility. There’re only 24 hours in a day, and subtracting from that the time we sleep, tending to our families AND managing our day job responsibilities, that leaves about 1-2 hours MAX to focus on business development and marketing!

Driving to a lunch meeting itself can take that entire two hour time period. Setting up a call with someone who’s just bored and wants to hear your pitch is inefficient. Having just one prospect on your pipeline can be lethal if growth is your top objective!

Even if your entire job is business development, you can either go about it the hard way…or the more efficient way!

Because I value TIME so much, I’ve been a huge fan of social media and digital platforms for growing a practice.

That’s why for as long as I can remember, I’ve been a big fan of using Linkedin, and why I help so many of my clients with such digital strategies.

After so many requests from my connections and contacts, I created a video recently to show how I’ve been leveraging Linkedin for years, and share how you can too!

If you are proud of what you and your firm have to offer and want to get it (whether a service, a product, a platform or a talent) in front of more visits and eyes, you should be utilizing Linkedin to get your message out.


With nearly 700 million followers, Linkedin can help you with your business and career goals. Learn in this video:

✓ How to optimize your profile for most views

✓ How to grow your business using Linkedin

✓ How to get more followers on your Linkedin account

✓ What to post on your linkedin account

As far as your branding and messaging, what should you include in your Linkedin profile for maximum differentiation and impact? Read our blog here!

If you don’t know what messaging to include in your Linkedin profile and how to target the platform for more views and maximum results, set up a call with us so we can be helpful!