10 Synonyms for the Term Financial Advisor

As Chief Marketing and Branding Officer for a large network of wealth management firms across the U.S, I find that one of my frequent client requests is coming up with unique messaging and naming ideas to replace their traditional and old fashioned titles and concepts.

In fact, I wrote about the downsides to naming your titles or firm name with overused words, such as Wealth Manager, Capital Management or Wealth Management, especially from a google search perspective. Read my article here if you have not seen it yet.

One of the top questions I always get asked by my clients is: “What is another alternative or synonym for the term Financial Advisor, because I don’t want to sound like YET ANOTHER advisor?”

The reality is that even though times have changed, and we are no longer in the Gordon Gekko or Bud Fox period of the sleazy salesmen selling stock ideas or cold calling leads down the white pages, the term “Financial Advisor” still gets a bad rap. People seem to tense up, want to walk away, or change the conversation when they hear that you want their money to manage.

OR, when you do bring up that you are a financial advisor, the first question people ask is “What’s your favorite stock tip these days” or “What are your thoughts on the markets?”

Those are fine questions, but let’s face it: The financial industry has come a long way, with most financial advisors providing way more services than simple investment ideas. The term is not indicative of all the areas “financial advisors” help their clients around these days.

Today’s advisors are so much more than a portfolio manager. Beyond financial and tax planning, they are an integral member of their client’s life: They attend clients’ kids’ Sweet 16 parties, help them purchase their house, decide on a college, even plan a vacation for their clients [read my article about all the ways advisors help their clients these days, almost to their detriment]. Those services are not what most people think of when they think of a “financial advisor.”

Therefore, it may be a good time to start thinking of more relevant terms to call yourself when asked what you do.

Below, we have compiled a list of 10 synonyms for the title of “Financial Advisor.” We have also included the words sounded out so you can envision them come to life!

10 synonyms for the title “Financial Advisor”

Looking to name/rename your firm, your elevator pitch, firm description, processes, employee titles or job descriptions? Fill out the form below so we can see if we can be helpful!